


Hair and Scalp Clarifying Rinse
Comes in Rose and Lavender Scents


Hair and Scalp Clarifying Rinse for shiner, healthier, more beautiful hair. This formula comes in Rose or Lavender Rinse.


– removes impurities, build up from dirt and excessive product use,
-eliminates dandruff,
-detoxifies and balance ph levels,
-reduces frizz and revives hair without stripping hair of its natural oils.


How to use:  Once a week.  Shake well and apply to dry hair.  Starting at roots into scalp, then through length and ends of hair.  Leave for 5-15 minutes.  Rinse out and condition, shampoo if you prefer, but not necessary.


Key Actives: Essential Oils, Rose, Fresh Herbs, Rose Water, Jojoba, Apple Cider Vinegar, Distilled Water